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Pitreavie Way, Pitreavie Business Park, Dunfermline, Scotland, KY11 8PU

For Rent

  • Tenure

    For Sale/Let
  • Type

  • Price

    Upon Application
  • Size

    2 - 24 Acres
  • Ref No


Property Highlights

  • Site availability ranging from 2 - 24 acres
  • Unit sizes ranging from 4,000 - 200,000 sq ft
  • Suitable for alternate uses


The subject site is an extensive area of cleared flattened development offering prominent visibility onto Queensferry Road (A823) and Pitreavie Way and is suitable for a variety of end uses.

The site extends to a total site area of approximately 24.8 acres (10 hectares) and is available in part or whole.

The site currently benefits from commercial Use Classes 4, 5 & 6 but the site would also accommodate alternate uses such as retail, drive-thru and leisure, subject to achieving the appropriate consents.