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New Albion Industrial Estate, Unit 18, Halley Street, Glasgow, City Of Glasgow, G13 4DJ

For Rent

  • Tenure

    To Let
  • Type

  • Price

  • Size

    2,549 Sq Ft
  • Ref No


Property Highlights

  • 6 miles west of Glasgow City Centre
  • £14,784 per annum


Industrial unit located within the Yoker area of Glasgow, which lies beside Clydebank and is located approximately 6 miles west of Glasgow city centre. Yoker has traditionally been home to many businesses, in particular it played host to numerous ship building yards due to its close proximity to the River Clyde. More recently, the area has been popular with a variety of different industrial uses, including the construction and motor vehicle trades. Such occupiers have found the location ideal to serve the resident population of the north west of Glasgow.

Size: 2,549 sq ft
Rent: £14,784 pa
Service charge: £1,815 pa
Rateable Value: £10,300