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Linton Business Park, From Brae Road North And East To Linton Business Park, Gourdon, Scotland, DD10 0NH Image

Linton Business Park, From Brae Road North And East To Linton Business Park, Gourdon, Scotland, DD10 0NH

For Rent

  • Tenure

    To Let
  • Type

  • Price

    Upon Application
  • Size

    1 Acres
  • Ref No


Property Highlights

  • 1.45 Acres
  • 28 Miles South of Aberdeen
  • 360 Degree CCTV


The subjects comprise a secure hardcore yard that can support a variety of industrial and storage uses. There is a 2.5m high perimeter fence that is topped with barbed wire and vehicular access is granted via the 11m wide gate. There is a security camera system situated in the centre of the yard, with four fixed angle cameras and one 360 degree camera which tracks the number plate of passing by vehicles.