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Wellington Place, 107 West Regent Street, Glasgow, Scotland, G2 2BA Image

Wellington Place, 107 West Regent Street, Glasgow, Scotland, G2 2BA

For Rent

  • Tenure

    To Let
  • Type

  • Price

    Upon Application
  • Size

    1,796 - 3,250 Sq Ft
  • Ref No


Property Highlights

  • 13 person passenger lift serving all floors
  • VRF air conditioning
  • Self-contained male and female toilets on each floor
  • Floor to ceiling height of 2.7m
  • Raised access flooring throughout
  • Column free floor plates throughout


The building occupies a prominent corner position on West Regent Street and Wellington Street. This prime corner position offers excellent natural daylight on 3 of 4 elevations. It sits in the heart of Glasgow's Central Business District and benefits from excellent public transport connections.

Central Station is a 5 minute walk immediately south of the building and Queen Street Station a 5 minute walk east.


  • Lower Ground Floor 1,807 Sq Ft
  • Ground Floor 2,824 Sq Ft
  • Second Floor 3,224 Sq Ft
  • Third Floor 3,213 Sq Ft

Total Size: 11,068 Sq Ft